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01432 279 420




Trinity TreeTots Nursery was established in January 2004. It was set up by and overseen by a voluntary management committee. In 2010 the nursery changed status and was registered as a community interest company with companies’ houses. Our registration number is 7289296.

In our setting, we recognise and value childhood as being a very special and magical time. Most importantly, we want the children who attend to grow into adulthood with happy memories of their time with us. Therefore, we aim to give them the best possible nursery experience we can whilst equipping them with the skills, interests, passions, and attributes to set them on a pathway into formal and further education.

To support us in our commitment to making a difference we place children at the center of everything we do. We begin by ensuring they live free from fear, safe from harm, and are protected from abuse and exploitation.

We firmly believe in the value of play, apart from being fun and exciting it provides opportunities for our children to generate their own ideas, be free to explore, let their imaginations run, solve problems and work through things that puzzle them. After that, they begin to see the world from the perspective of others and are able to use their reasoning skills to adapt to new challenges and situations.

Our Intent

It is therefore no surprise to discover that play underpins the delivery of our curriculum (The Early Years Foundation Stage). In other words, we offer a balance of child-initiated and adult-led learning opportunities using continuous provision and planned activities to engage, inspire and challenge our children as they make progress across the seven areas of learning.


This is simply what we do every day to help our children make progress and increase their life chances. For instance, it is about the resources we make available to our children, the opportunities we provide, and the ways in which we interact with them as we teach a creative curriculum which allows for many “I wonder” moments as our children engage in new learning experiences and opportunities within an immersive environment.


A carefully designed personalised curriculum enables all children to reach their maximum potential as they practice and master new skills, develop self-confidence and build emotional resilience. For instance, they become critical thinkers as they formulate hypotheses, take risks, try out new ideas, make mistakes, bounce back after failures and find solutions all of which continue to support future learning.

Our Settings Values

In our setting, we value:-

  • Play and learning in the outdoor environment where children can flourish, make risk assessments and explore the natural world. Therefore, this promotes a disposition for the outdoors, for physical activity, and care for the environment.
  • The local community and environment as a source of learning opportunities to promote an understanding of British Values. We know children learn best when they are able to make connections between experiences and ideas that are related to any aspect of their life in their community, home, and nursery setting and are mindful of this when planning and selecting resources.
  • The role of parents plays as the primary educators of their children. We know that if we develop close supportive relationships with parents we can work together to support children’s home learning.
  • Staff members are valued for their individual knowledge and expertise. We are committed to investing in training, which is available to staff allowing them to follow their own learning pathway. Benefits – we have a very low staff turnover and current practice is improved upon and new ideas are shared.
  • The benefits of providing natural resources such as shells, moss, conkers, twigs, etc in our setting for children to access. Natural materials inspire children’s creativity and develop their imaginations. They are open-ended resources which means they can be used over and over again and each time be used in a different way for a different purpose to support ideas and intentions.