Our hourly rate is £5.50 per hour. We do not request any additional charges. (Our fees are subject to an annual review).
Nursery fees can be paid weekly, monthly, half termly or termly but they must be paid in advance.
If fees are not paid on time and amounts become outstanding, we reserve the right to withdraw nursery sessions until all outstanding payments have been received.
All sessions must be paid for – this applies if your child is absent due to illness or holidays.
Payments can be made by: cash, cheque (made payable to Trinity Extended Services CIC), bank transfer or through work place childcare voucher schemes. If paying by cash please ensure all monies are placed in an envelope marked with the child’s name and the amount enclosed. You will be invoiced at the beginning of each term and all payments are receipted.
Two Year Funding
Some two year olds are eligible for 2 Year Funding up to 15 hrs per week. Parents/carers will need to make an application for 2 Year Funding if they believe they meet the criteria.
We accept 2 Year Funding and Golden Tickets
Please click here to determine your eligibility:

Nursery Education Funding (NEF)
In England, all three and four-year-olds are entitled to up to 15 hours of funded early education and childcare the term after they turn 3 years old. Therefore, this is a universal offer and is available to all children regardless of their family circumstances.
Find out more information here:
To see if you are eligible for an extra 15 hours of funding please click this link: https://childcare-support.tax.service.gov.uk/par/app/applynow
Working families who meet the eligibility criteria can also claim an additional 15 hours of funded childcare a week. Please click the link to apply online:
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call and speak to our nursery administrator.